Saturday, February 9, 2008


I enjoyed Steven Abrams interview. I will set my timer and do 15 minutes a day. ( The Flylady way). I am doing this because I am a member of a library board and I think this will give me a better understanding of the challenges facing libraries. I am not very knowledgeable on the computer so I hope to learn how to do more things on the computer. I spend almost too much time playing games on the computer. I also follow the Flylady cleaning system and it has really helped me with time management and learning when to rest. I know very little about library 2.0 . The articles have given me a little better understanding of it, but I realize I have a lot to learn. I think our library will benefit from 23 Things on a stick. Libraries are having to add more resources and not having suffient money to always add these resources for the patrons. It is important to keep things simple so new users will understand new technology. Combining information could save money for libraries and have more information available to patrons. I think there will always be a need for people who like to turn the pages of a book. At the same time we need to meet the needs of people who like to listen to a story. I am off to try a Playaway book for the first time. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Congrats on getting started with 23 Things on a Stick! It is exciting to see library board members engaged in the fun.

SELCO staff, including me, will be working through the program as well. We hope to have fun along the way and will offer the opportunity for regional prizes to all who complete the program by National Library Week. Enjoy!

Ann Hutton at SELCO